Sheet metal monuments, art and architecture

Corten steel laser cutting

Corten steel is a widely used material in applications such as architecture, art and decoration. In addition to corten steel, it is of course also possible to process materials such as steel and stainless steel.

Tekstplaat lasersnijden
A laser-cut text plate
Cortenstaal lasersnijden
Corten steel laser cutting

Raytech can laser corten steel sheet material up to a thickness of 12 mm. When cutting text plates, works of art and monuments, extra focus is placed on the finishing of the cut edges.
Smooth cutting edges are important so that no cuts or injuries can occur when touching the cut plates. It is especially important for street furniture (eg corsten steel flower boxes and benches) to avoid sharp edges.


Great monuments and works of art

Meter-long sculptures and monuments can be made by means of laser cutting. Laser cutting is a popular production technique when creating works of art and sculptures because unique and striking shapes can be cut very quickly from sheet material.

Lasersnijden aluminium letterkunst
Laser-cut letter art
Monument lasersnijden
Monument (Bruges). Large format laser cutting


Wide variety of materials available

In addition to corten steel, there are many other materials available that can be used for laser cutting of decorative pieces. An overview of these materials can be found on the following page: cuttable materials

Kunstwerk laser cutting
Laser-cut panels